Torrey Bolden - Vice President of Faith Outreach
We are honored to have Torrey join our team.
Hello everyone! My name is Torrey Bolden. I have been targeted for 20+ years. During this time, I have received traditional gang stalking and electronic harassment. All these years I have tried to work in Information Technology, but my career was sabotaged. My faith and my suffering give me the desire and ability to support others because I know how painful this can be.
I look at my situation as well as world affairs through a Bible prophesy lens giving me a unique way of understanding this experience. My goal is to spread awareness with a specific focus on places of worship.
UN Office for Outer Space Affairs
You can contact them.
You can contribute your sworn affidavit to the TI Community:
TJ is looking for International Podcasters & Conference Calls:
If you live outside the United States, here’s your chance to help shut down the Targeting program. If you would like to volunteer for Targeted Justice, please send an email to (put PODCAST in the subject line):
Full name, Email and phone number (yes - we want to talk to you)
We will help you set up a weekly PODCAST. It’s easy - even a child can do it. And we will announce your show in our weekly newsletter. You can do this!
TJ on Rumble (Videos)
Note the government criminals may have blocked the newsletter to your email address.
Try signing up with another email, or check our substack each week at
Please consider a Donation
Targeted Justice is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
Donations are tax deductible.
by check:
Targeted Justice
P.O. Box 15990
Houston, TX 77220
Gifts & Tshirts
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Targeted Justice is not a legal or medical firm, and does not provide legal or medical advice. Please consult an appropriate doctor or lawyer. See the bottom of our HOME page -, for a full list of disclaimers.
#DeFundCIA; #DeFundFBI
Benvenuto Torrey e buon lavoro.
Thank you for being a part of a very important organization. Many Blessings 🙌 🙏