Welcome Jill Amack!
Jill Amack began volunteering for Targeted Justice in 2024. She lives in Lincoln, Nebraska, and has run her own small business since 2000.
Jill became a target in March of 2022, after reporting criminal activity to the police. It took two years for her to find Targeted Justice and learn that she had been added to the TSDB.
She is so thankful for the work of TJ in equipping targets to survive this life. There have been so many people who have come alongside her in this battle! She is volunteering in gratitude to each of them, to pay it forward for someone else.
For a long time Jill could not understand how being a target was something that God could use to bless her. How can good come from evil? Logically, it can’t. But God isn’t limited by human logic. The faithfulness of God is no longer academic, but real. The extraordinary TIs she has met have expanded her view of the world. And being a part of this fight to educate the public and secure our freedom has given her a purpose she never could have imagined.
Jill hopes to be a blessing to Targeted Justice and the people in it.
Supreme Court
Please keep sending snail mail for the Supreme Court. Try overnight packages or 2nd day air. We have not received a single response to the emails - which suggests that some are illegally blocked.
The CHAT ROOM is for PAID subscribers only. Any legal subject matter - 24/7. The Chat Room is available thru your PAID substack account. (If it’s against the law - we will delete it.)
We recommend talking about Signal jammers, Water shielding, Gangstalking, DEW, V2K, family relations, TI trafficking, house break-ins, Positive affirmations, chemical attacks, clot shots, etc. If you have some information to share - this is the place to do it!
TJ is the largest support group in the world for Targeted Individuals.
(Defamation and slander of TJ or our leaders will be deleted. Our Board of Directors has never been paid one dime for their time. Neither have our Officers or our staff of volunteers. Please take it someplace else. 😊.)
December is our Fundraising month
Please give a Christmas gift to Targeted Individuals worldwide this year. Donate to Targeted Justice.
TJ on Rumble (Videos)
Note the government criminals may have blocked the newsletter to your email address.
Try signing up with another email, or check our substack each week at
Please consider a Donation
Targeted Justice is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
Donations are tax deductible. TJustice2@proton.me
by check:
Targeted Justice
P.O. Box 15990
Houston, TX 77220
Gifts & Tshirts
1. Please restrict your comments to the content of this post. PAID subscribers can post on any subject in the Chat Room.
Targeted Justice is not a legal or medical firm, and does not provide legal or medical advice. Please consult an appropriate doctor or lawyer. See the bottom of our HOME page - TargetedJustice.com, for a full list of disclaimers.
#DeFundCIA; #DeFundFBI
Congratulations on your new position, Jill! Thank you for stepping up and serving our community—wishing you all the best! - Tranquility
Welcome aboard, Jill. You are amazing!