Lockheed Death & Torture Factory
Lockheed war-mongers promote the GPS satellites as war machines. These are the satellites that track the top of your head, and have Vircator beam weapons installed on the satellite frame.
These satellites are built in Waterton, Colorado, not far from Schriever base.
Lockheed continues it’s reign as the world’s largest corporate death factory…
No company in the world, kills more people each year with their weapons.
Another TI Video - Please share everywhere
Targeted Action 2024
Targeted Individuals will meet on Aug. 28-30, 2024 to demand an end to the highly illegal Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP) that tortures over 400k Americans & 6MM around the world, with U.S. taxpayer money. Ongoing #CrimesAgainstHumanity are perpetrated by the #CIA & #USSpaceForce from Colorado, USA to the world.
Updates: https://www.targetedjustice.com/targeted-action-2024.html
Sign Up: https://forms.office.com/r/HbUvnBKPfk
Former WEF alumni Dennis Meadows
Dennis Meadows, co-author of “Limits to Growth,” talks about the globalist elites’ plan for depopulation. Don’t forget the interview in which Meadows said, “I hope the depopulation will occur in a civil and peaceful way.”
This also explains the globalists’ anti-human climate agenda and the demonic thirst for World War III. It’s all part of the same strategy to eliminate 70 percent or more of the world population.
“Legal Aspects of the Targeting Program”
Also Attorney Joey Caldarera.
Don’t miss this live broadcast featuring six attorneys discussing the legal aspects of the targeting program. Hosted by Sarah Westall and Todd Callender, the symposium promises valuable insights and information.
Start Times:
Eastern Standard Time (EST): 12:00 PM – 12:50 PM
Central Standard Time (CST): 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
Mountain Standard Time (MST): 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM
Pacific Standard Time (PST): 9:00 AM – 9:50 AM
Tune in on TODAY:
"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."
-- Steve Jobs
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Houston, TX 77220
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#DeFundCIA; #DeFundFBI
FY 2025 Space Budget Request is $33.7 Billion https://docs.house.gov/meetings/AS/AS29/20240501/117236/HHRG-118-AS29-Wstate-PlumbJ-20240501.pdf?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1Fp57_TuPGSfbAW4ILtQbUuYfLbXNnPmJzdbpepc8JeZfY3cMFnCLiZdM_aem_AbJcQRvvfy22R1Rsb109kfgsO93USp5fWSrxqj85jbSPVP6wM4ugHzHgnwbnATIOMUUofbgOVDjMWThvRzwCsZGY
Nano bots Vaccines, Transhumanism, baby sex trafficking, v2k DEW weapons evil AI the MIC, etc it's all related. It's all pointing to the end of mans kingdom not more Govt not a new day of existence of mans kingdom it's the end and Gods kingdom comes here.
If your efforts are to bring mans kingdom and what call for a brighter mans kingdom Nope! not how this plays out. Like it says in Daniel 2 verse 44 all those kingdoms of the statue / idol are destroyed and never to be left to other men any more. Not AI neither. Babylon falls by violence sorry it does revelations says so. You can't stop it. Yes pray but not for the wrong things. Pray these demon fuckers dead.. Pray for God to take vengeance for us. Pray these cocksmokers sociopaths are put to death.
pray the end of AI. pray their transmitters namely HAARP are destroyed. Pray God to destroy some of the Satellites, place viruses into all their equipment that's being used that's what you want to pray for pray his kingdom to come.