Our Board Member, Dr Sally Priester & Kristi Noem, the Governor of South Dakota. Trump has selected Gov. Noem to lead the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). She was the only U.S. Governor who had "ZERO PARTICIPATION" with the 2020 Pandemic Restrictions and fully recognized Constitutional Rights.
New Podcast - 3pm Sundays. “The Chosen Heroes” with Melissa Miller.
Melissa was born and raised in Houston, Texas, USA. Her targeting began in 2012 after being a whistleblower, while employed at a corrupt private business in Houston. Her professional career includes various industries working in Human Resources as an analyst and backend administrator for HR systems. Melissa's analytic skills assisted her in identifying patterns within the targeting programs and developing daily tools to mitigate the attacks.
The targeting led Melissa on a spiritual quest. God revealed to her, that if she got to the root of what the targeting program was using to harm her, then it would become powerless over her. This led Melissa to conduct vast studies on the following topics:
Physiological warfare/manipulation
Self empowerment
Energy healing
Restoring well-being by reprogramming the mind
Positivity to manifest a new reality
Activating the body to heal itself through meditation, supplements, detox and dietary changes
Melissa's spiritual journey led her to become an Ordained Minister, Reiki Master, Holographic Sound Healer, Oneness Deeksha Giver and she has been initiated with the Nine Rites of Munay-Ki.
Melissa has a passion for assisting others with guidance and tools to heal within. It's her soul's purpose and calling to help our community. Each life can begin anew while being targeted. Each person has the power to reclaim their life, mind and body.
Stay tuned - We will share the LINK.
Tune in this Sunday, November 17, at 3 PM CST to Rumble for the premier episode
(look for the Live event!)
Vote for Ana & Len
Some confusion with the nomination and voting.
Here is the simple way to vote.
Find her name and vote.
Do not nominate again - there is already five of them.
Create account.
Verify account
Follow the link in.
Search for her name. Open it. Scroll down for the VOTE box.
It’s easy. Do the same for Dr Ber.
Dr Len Ber is being nominated for a CDC Advisor on "Havana Syndrome."
STOP using Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail!
You are giving away your information to the government criminals.
Protonmail.com is free and has end-to-end encryption.
Former Japanese Prime Minister,
Shinzo Abe - assassinated 2022.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = =
We Need International Podcasters:
If you live outside the United States, here’s your chance to help shut down the Targeting program. If you would like to volunteer for Targeted Justice, please send an email to TJustice2@proton.me (put PODCAST in the subject line):
Full name, Email and phone number (yes - we want to talk to you)
We will help you set up a weekly PODCAST or Conference Call. It’s easy - even a child can do it. And we will announce your show in our weekly newsletter. You can do this!
For a Conference Call - just download the app to your phone on FreeConferenceCall.com
For Podcasts, we recommend using OBS Software - it is free. Stream on youtube, rumble, etc. https://obsproject.com/
TJ on Rumble (Videos)
Note the government criminals may have blocked the newsletter to your email address.
Try signing up with another email, or check our substack each week at
Please consider a Donation
Targeted Justice is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
Donations are tax deductible. TJustice2@proton.me
by check:
Targeted Justice
P.O. Box 15990
Houston, TX 77220
Gifts & Tshirts
1. Please restrict your comments to the content of this post. PAID subscribers can post on any subject in the Chat Room.
Targeted Justice is not a legal or medical firm, and does not provide legal or medical advice. Please consult an appropriate doctor or lawyer. See the bottom of our HOME page - TargetedJustice.com, for a full list of disclaimers.
#DeFundCIA; #DeFundFBI
Chosen Heroes
Tune in this Sunday, November 17, at 3 PM CST to Rumble for the premier episode
(look for the Live event!)
hi TJ i got the account and voted for ana and len it looks like it worked, i looked at the pictures in the news letter and realized these are beautiful intelligent people that are TI,s and or on the board,i would like to see a 12 month calender highliteing TI,s and board members ana, sally ,kristi ,mellissa,richard,len and others ,i would buy some for family and friends it would be great exposure to show were normal people in a situation we did not chose,