Rohde & Schwarz SZU100A is the favorite murder weapon of the CIA. Why would we state this? In the last 3 years, this frequency multiplier has been used to murder 10’s of thousands of people worldwide. The device is about the size of a shoebox, and mounted in a cell tower. Anyone in a ventilator and diagnosed with COVD, is attacked until they suffocate to death. Many of these murders occurred in Nursing Homes.
Rohde & Schwarz openly advertises that their equipment is used with 5G cell towers. The company is headquartered in Munich, Germany and has USA headquarters in Columbia, MD. Only a handful of companies in the world can make signal generators that reach these frequencies, so they are quite expensive - about $50,000 to $100,000 for the complete equipment. Note that it is very unusual to make a signal generator with such a limited frequency range. It has one primary purpose - for use as a murder weapon.
The 60 GHz signal can be directed from a cell tower using "digital beam forming," and it blocks the uptake of oxygen in the lungs and the patient suffocates to death. The death is blamed on Coronavirus. A NYC medical doctor discovered this, and posted a video on YouTube:
New York Medical Doctor, Cameron Kyle-Sidell, says many hospital patients are suffocating (hypoxia) - and it is not Coronavirus. It is evident that 5G microwaves (60 GHz) are being used to attack the lungs and block the uptake of oxygen.
Dr Cameron Kyle-Sidell
Professor Martin Pall, PhD, Washington State University:
Oxygen Absorption signals can be measured using a Spectrum Analyzer:
Oxygen absorption versus frequency. Oxygen is blocked from absorption in the lungs, when the molecules are vibrated at these frequencies.
Rohde & Schwarz USA
6821 Benjamin Franklin Dr
Columbia, Maryland 21046
( - President of Federal Systems
( - Vice President of Operations
( - Vice President of Defense and Infrastructure
( - Vice President of Legal
( - Vice President of Sales
( - Vice President of Finance
This is very important for all to see. A lots of people's who say that they don't do social media, needs this type of information because to be aware is to stay alive. This is why I be sending everything that Targeted Justice send me, to news outlets and friends on Facebook and Instagram. I appreciate what you are doing Targeted Justice. Sincerely, Nathaniel Jackson.
new weapon today being used on me comes from a bright light Infared cameras pick up a spider web looking thing as my husband drove thru it looked like it wrapped around car These killer suck.👎