CEASE & DESIST letter to Fusion Centers
Organized stalking? - these are the criminals behind it.
Targeted Justice recommends a CEASE & DESIST letter to your local Fusion Center, Citizen Corps and Infragard.
Let them know you are aware of their criminal activities. Fusion Centers, Citizen Corps and Infragard are funded by the DHS, FBI, and local cities.
BONUS - Gangstalking Training Manual
The numerous British spellings suggest that it was originally written by British Intelligence Agents.
Fraud at the Fusion Centers - Official Senate Committee Report
“It’s troubling that the very ‘Fusion Centers' that were designed to share information in a post-9/11 world, have become part of the problem. Instead of strengthening our counterterrorism efforts, they have too often wasted money and stepped on Americans’ civil liberties,” said Senator Tom Coburn, the Oklahoma Republican.
How do I find my local Fusion Center?
If possible, try to get the name of the current Director - it should be in newspaper articles, or on their website, or Linkedin. Send the letter via regular mail and email, if possible.
February 31, 2024
Fusion Center
Attn: Director
123 Main
Big City, Texas 77579
RE: Cease and Desist
I am writing to demand an immediate cessation of your illegal activities, which include illegal and warrantless surveillance, harassment, cyberstalking, stalking and breaking/entering to my property and vehicle. You, your employees and volunteers shall immediately CEASE AND DESIST from these vigilante-organized actions.
I am a member of Targeted Justice, Inc., which is a non-profit group involved in lawsuits against the FBI and DHS, for their illegal activities against “Non-Investigative Subjects” (NIS).
Under your leadership, you are directing employees and volunteers ignorant of basic civics precepts, such as the presumption of innocence, the illegality of stalking, harassment, and defamation, among others. Your illegal actions also involve crimes punishable under 42 U.S. Code § 1983 - Civil Action for Deprivation of Rights, and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1968.
Qualified immunity does not protect you, your employees or volunteers from liability. Liability and damages accrue daily. It is in your best interest to mitigate damages and halt all vigilantism activities.
A response is expected from your office within two weeks. I will understand your failure to respond as an admission of guilt.
cc: TJustice2@proton.me
Who’s Watching Targeted Justice?
We posted the recent Dean Ryan interview with Ana Toledo & Jim Fetzer on Linkedin, and the results are not surprising… More than 44% of the views came from Law Enforcement, Government officials, and Security organizations!
The Government criminals are obsessed with everything we do. We live rent-free in their minds, yet they never investigate “Non-Investigative Subjects.”
Thanks to Dr Len Ber… https://twitter.com/PSardonicus
Please consider a Donation
Targeted Justice is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Donations are tax deductible. TJustice2@proton.me
by check:
Targeted Justice
P.O. Box 15990
Houston, TX 77220
Gifts & Tshirts
Please restrict your comments to the content of this post. TJ generally does not allow the promotion of for-profit goods and services. Targeted Justice is not a legal or medical firm, and does not provide legal or medical advice. Please consult an appropriate doctor or lawyer.
At this point Targeting Program is an open secret.
One day recently my daughter was singing “Sage is on the list , Sage is on the list” I asked her where she heard the song and she thought for a moment and said “ I heard it in my head”
She very often will say things that sound odd, rude, etc. and I will ask her why and she will say “ the bad guys told me”
Every day she tells me the bad guys are talking to her (in her mind.) And tells me they’re telling her mean things.
She doesn’t get to have the silence in her mind that a developing child needs.
My heart is so broken for my only child.
Please pray for her.