Targeted Justice recommends that Law Enforcement use the megaphone test that we described in our 13 August newsletter. Many will find they are illegally implanted, without their knowledge or consent - and that includes your family members.
When you are ready to blow the whistle - please contact us.
The megaphone has a small metal diaphragm (blue) which vibrates by talking at the end. A coil of wire (red) is between the poles of a cylindrical magnet (green), which creates an electromagnetic field. What we are doing is using the sensitivity of the EM field to pinpoint where chips or implants can be found in the body. The megaphone will not react to an ordinary piece of metal - it must be energized.
Why is the government lying about this?
Electric megaphones will identify implants, by detecting the EMF field. Our initial scientific tests confirm that most TI’s have implants. There is no other rational explanation for having EMF fields originating from your body.
Hold the back of the megaphone to your skin and SLOWLY move it around. We recommend starting with areas such as your neck, temples, shoulders, arms & legs. Teeth are also a popular location. The megaphone will “shriek” when it encounters an EMF field in your body.
You can buy electric megaphones on Amazon, Walmart, Harbor Freight, Epic Sports, and other places. About $15 - $30.
Targeted Justice is updating the State & Country contacts.
If you would like your contact listed here, to help the TI Community,
please email, attention Melody:
You can walk into Harbor Freight Tools and buy a megaphone for $17. Pyle ones seem to work perfectly.
Targetedjustice made an official organization for targeted individuals and Richard Lighthouse does the best research. A lot of government trolls and perps disrupt, gaslight, and put out disinformation about real targeted individuals smearing, discrediting, and gaslighting but research the facts. CIA and FBI are on some clown bullshit deep state is deep shit commiting treason. The Nazis said that there's no evidence at the Nuremberg trials. CIA and FBI use indirect no touch torture so they can't go to court and give perjured testimony.